2024 SPARC Internship with Leilani Prak

My involvement with APPEAL’s SPARC program has been such an engaging and enjoyable experience for me by offering valuable insights into policy, research methods, and effective communication strategies within the realm of Public Health concerning health disparities among AA/NH/PI communities. Throughout my 11-week internship, I had the privilege to collaborate with highly dedicated staff members contributing to the utilization of data and research to deepen our understanding of the impact of tobacco within our communities. One of the most rewarding aspects of my experience with SPARC was the welcoming and kind environment fostered by the amazing program team. I was encouraged to explore new facets of tobacco control with highly engaging resources and opportunities. From policy analysis to informative fact sheets, from engaging in informative webinars to crafting research posts, I gained a diverse understanding of public health and tobacco control efforts. Overall, this internship broadened my perspective on the influence of tobacco companies on our communities, motivating my continued commitment to advocate for meaningful change through policy intervention and community building.
Community Engagement Activity (CEA)
Apply now!
Calling all California AA & NH PI organizations! It is time for our annual CEA funding opportunity. Deadline to apply is Dec 27th, 2024 Link to apply and view submission directions: https://bit.ly/