When former smokers have the opportunity to tell their stories about how tobacco has led to devastating consequences in their lives, it can be a powerful way to impact the lives of others.
APPEAL is proud to announce our recent partnership with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Together, we are conducting a national search to identify candidates who are willing to share their compelling tobacco-related stories in an upcoming national tobacco education campaign, Tips From Former Smokers (Tips). For the next campaign, APPEAL is focused on boosting recruitment of Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander candidates to insure that our heavily impacted communities are represented in cessation outreach.
Similar to previous campaigns seen here, real people who have had life-changing, smoking-related health issues will be featured. CDC is requesting our assistance in identifying individuals who fit its recruitment criteria and who may be interested in participating in the Tips campaign. For the 2016 Tips campaign, CDC is looking for stories from former smokers who:
- Have or have had anxiety OR depression (not both) and a serious health condition due to smoking (ages 30–60)
- Have been diagnosed with COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease) due to smoking (ages 40–55)
- Currently serve or have served in the military and have been diagnosed with a serious health condition due to smoking (i.e., coronary artery disease/heart attack, COPD, peripheral artery disease, cancer, or stroke) (ages 30–60)
- Have been diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis while smoking (ages 25–60)
- Have used electronic cigarettes along with tobacco cigarettes instead of quitting because they thought it was better for their health than smoking cigarettes alone and yet they experienced a severe health problem (ages 20–60)
- Have been diagnosed with a serious health condition caused by smoking and now have a compelling positive story about the benefits experienced since quitting (ages 18–54)
Visit www.joinCDCtips.com for more information. Please share any referrals you might have with APPEAL’s Joann Lee at [email protected], or contact Mimi Webb Miller Casting by e-mail ([email protected]) or by phone (toll free) (844) 274-9816.