APPEAL Challenges Youth to Promote Health with Video Contest and Activity Challenge
In late February, APPEAL launched “Health Starts…Where We Live, Learn, Work, and Play,” a video contest and activity challenge for youth and young adults. The contest and activity challenge is part of our national effort to promote tobacco-free living, healthy eating, and active living (HEAL) in Asian American, Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander (AA and NHPI) communities.
In late February, APPEAL launched “Health Starts…Where We Live, Learn, Work, and Play,” a video contest and activity challenge for youth and young adults. The contest and activity challenge is part of our national effort to promote tobacco-free living, healthy eating, and active living (HEAL) in Asian American, Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander (AA and NHPI) communities.
APPEAL invites all youth (13-17 years old) and young adults (18-24 years old) in the United States and the United States Associated Pacific Islands to submit original, imaginative and creative videos that inspire awareness on how availability of tobacco products, poor access to healthy foods and safe spaces for physical activity affect the ease of making healthy choices for AA and NHPI communities. APPEAL also challenges all youths and adults to make 2013 a year of action by pledging to raise awareness of these issues and organize activities to make changes in their schools, neighborhoods, and communities throughout the year.
“We hope the video contest provides a vehicle for youth to foster their storytelling skills in a medium that majority of their generation relate to in very powerful ways,” stated APPEAL Program Director and Interim Program Manager Rachel Matillano. “We encourage youth to become engaged civic participants and proactive agents of change within their communities who can imagine and pursue their own vision of a positive future.”
The deadline for submissions to the video contest goes through April 30, 2013 and winners will be announced on May 17, 2013. Two $250 cash prizes will be awarded – one to the best entry by a youth (13-17 years old), and the other to the best entry by a young adult (18-24 years old). Entries must follow the official rules which can be accessed by visiting this web link: